Title: Andouille Smoked Sausage in Red Gravy 1

Category: Dutch Oven, Entree, Meat, Pork

Cuisine: Creole

Source: Godfrey Stokes

Original Page from www.mycookingspace.com



Melt butter in Dutch oven over medium heat.
Add sausage, cover, and cook without stirring about 7 minutes.
Turn over and sprinkle onions, celery, and green peppers on top.
Cover and cook another 7 minutes. There should be dark brown sediment on pan bottom.
Add wine, stock and garlic and scrape bottom.
Add tomato sauce and parsley, thyme, pepper, and sugar; cook uncovered 5 minutes, scraping occasionally. The tomato mixture should be thick.
Cover and cook 20 minutes until liquid is thick dark red gravy. Stir occasionally.
Add salt and pepper to taste.


Add some jalapeno peppers if you like the heat.